Monday, September 20, 2010

Pace and Evan

Also, the day after the Engagement Party, I did a couples shoot with my friend Pace and her boyfriend Evan. These guys were such troopers because it was sooo hot outside! But you can't even tell in thier photos. ADORABLE couple :) I am still editing and uploading, but here is a sneak peek...

The Last 2 Weeks..

So I have been super busy for the last 3 weeks! So the first weekend in September I took my friend Page's Bridal shots, then I was in her wedding the next day. Then Rowan and I went to visit his Mimi (my mom) . Then on to the birthday weekend - Blaise's 30th Birthday was the 10th and his brothers was the 8th, so we went to the Gulf with his brother and sister-in-law and had a wonderful time (and actually had a baby sitter!- thanks grandma). Then Friday I had a last minute booking for an engagement party in Fairhope that night. It ended up working out perfect because Blaise was off work! I think there were about 100 people at the party. Great experience with wonderful people! I am only posting photos of the settings at the party because the album is password protected. But I will say the party was at the Eastern Shore Art Center and it looked amazing! Bay Gourmet did the catering.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Introductory Prices! Huge Discount on Session fees!
Discount prices good through NOVEMBER 1st, 2010! So call and book today!
**Excludes Weddings and Print packages.

Bridal Shots!

AHHH! I am sooo excited to post the bridal shots I did last week of a good friend, but she hasn't seen them yet, so I will not post them until she gets to. She is on her honeymoon right now :) As soon as I can I will post them!
Much love,
Courtney Michelle Photography

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rainy Day Fun!

So I went to visit my mom for the day and my little sister had a new umbrella. It had rained earlier that day and we still got wet by a few little sprinkles, but it was alot of fun and of course she loved playing with her new umbrella!